ASME B16.9-2018 管件檢驗偏差範圍及規範(中英文)
- 分類:行業動態
- 作者:羞羞网站入口管道
- 來源:河北羞羞网站入口管道有限公司
- 發布時間:2022-01-22
- 訪問量:646
ASME B16.9-2018 管件檢驗偏差範圍及規範(中英文)
- 分類:行業動態
- 作者:羞羞网站入口管道
- 來源:河北羞羞网站入口管道有限公司
- 發布時間:2022-01-22
- 訪問量:646
(1)The value of tmin is whichever of the following is applicable: tmin 的值是下列中可適用的值之一:
(a)the minimum ordered wall thickness of the pipe, to include pipe that is purchased to a nominal wall thickness with an undertolerance other than12.5% .管道的最小訂購壁厚,包括購買到的低於公稱壁厚的管道,但公差不超過標稱壁厚12.5%
(b)0.875 times the nominal wall thickness of pipe ordered to a pipe schedule wall thickness that has an undetolerance of 12.5% 0.875 乘以管道公稱壁厚,該管道公稱壁厚的公差為 12.5%
(2)The maximum thickness at the end of the component is as follows:管件端部最大厚度為:
(a)the greater of [tmin + 4 mm (0.16 in.)] or 1.15tmin when ordered on a minimum wall basis 在最小壁厚的基礎上訂購的[tmin + 4 mm(0.16 英寸)]或 1.15tmin 中較大的壁厚
(b)the greater of [tmin + 4 mm (0.16 in.)] or 1.10tnom when ordered on a nominal wall basis 在公稱壁厚的基礎上訂購的[tmin + 4 毫米(0.16 英寸)]或 1.10tnom 中較大的壁厚
(3)Weld bevel shown is for illustration only. 焊接坡口僅供參考。
(4)The weld reinforcement permitted by applicable code may lie outside the maximum envelope 適用規範允許的焊接補強可能位於最大外包絡線之外。
(5)Wheretransitions using maximum slope do not intersectthe inside or outside surfaceswithin thetransition region, as shown by the phantom outline, maximum slopes shall be used. Alternatively, radii lying within the envelope may be used. 在所用最大斜度的過渡段不與內表麵或外表麵相交時,如虛線輪廓所示,應采用圖示的最大斜度或換用圓角。
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- 公司地址- 河北省滄州市鹽山縣千童大街滄州銀行對麵
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- 公司地址- 河北省滄州市鹽山縣千童大街滄州銀行對麵
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